Mt Parnitha - 5th of February

Reitstil: Flirt, Liebe, Leidenschaft

Landschaft: Berg, Meer, Wald

Tourtyp: Selbst geführt

Beschreibung ΙAnreise

Mt Parnitha

A signature ride up to Athens highest point. A gentle slope will get you at the altitude of 1000m where you can see the Athens metropolitan centre extended all the way to sea. It is a truly a spectacular ride. Beyond that 1000m threshold you can either get back to the starting point or you can ride on the circumference forest roads, completely closed from any sort of vehicles circulation getting a 360 view getting even beyond the island of Evia.

Kosten: 15 Euro / Person
Pay Now

Was ist enthalten

  • Snacks along the road
  • Fahrzeug-Support
  • GPX-Dateien für Ihr GPS-Gerät


  • Road / E bike Hire: + 40 euros (please send us your height details in cm)
  • Shuttle service from Athens Center or Markopoulo / Porto Rafi at e20/person (including the bike) – we will arrange the time of the pick up with each guest separately

Payment URL

Pay Now

Using the above link you can book your spot later by Thursday 2nd of February

Code of conduct

  • Während der Fahrt sollte jeder Radfahrer wie für sich alleine fahren und dabei alle Verkehrsregeln und -schilder beachten
  • All cyclists should be in a position to be self sufficient (e.g. change a tude, indexing the gears). Also our group ethics expect the riders to act civilized (zero tolerance if they litter the environment) and promote the good conduct of this ride. Competition schemes are not welcomed.
  • Unsere Fahrzeuge werden sich in der Nähe der Reitgruppe befinden und den Transport oder die mechanische Unterstützung zu besten Konditionen leisten.

Warum alles auf Englisch?

Πολλά από τα μέλη μας προέρχονται από το εξωτερικό και για λόγους ευγένειας, τιμώντας την Ελληνική Φιλοξενία, αποφασίσαμε να έχουμε σαν επίσημη γλώσσα τα αγγλικά.
Ίμαστε μλοι μια παρέα, ας μην αφήσουμε τη γλώσσα να είναι εμπόδιο.
Ευχαριστούμε για την κατανόηση.

Unser Tag

10.30 – Meeting at Cable Car’s base station (Karte)
11.00 – Ride Begins

You have the option to ride the whole ride or just climb the first part and then descend back down.

15.00 – Estimated time of completion.
15.30 – Shuttle service back to Athens / Markopoulo


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Tzaferi 16, Athen, 11854, GR | Tel: 00302108675623 | Email: [email protected]

Design & Development: ELEGRAD.

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